Meal Prep Tips

Each of us has 1 thing in common...WE ALL NEED TO EAT!

The most important thing you will do for your body is FUEL it with the right foods. Now that you have a plan to follow, try testing out meal preparation this week! 

While it's great to stand at the stove and cook your meals 3-6x per day 😜, most of us just don't have the time! I know that you are busy and what you really need most are quick tricks and time saving tips!  

So let's get started! 

STEP 1: Pick a day to prepare.

Find a day that you'll have some time to hit the grocery store and throw a few meals or snacks together.

STEP 2: Figure out WHAT you are going to prep.

Do you want to just prep snacks? Would you be more successful if your dinners were prepped? Think about the best way to be successful long term! 

STEP 3: EXECUTE the prep. 

When you have a plan in place it's time to get started! Prepare snacks or buy portioned out snacks. 

Cook a few different veggies that you can throw together with a protein. Feel free to measure out your portions or store in bulk and measure out each day.

Meal prep will work for you if you have a plan. If you would prefer to cook each day, get a plan in place ahead of time to cut down on the amount of time you spend cooking each meal. Pre cut veggies and meats are another great option! 

I want you to find the best ways to stick with your plan! Be willing to try it out and change it up as needed!